Your Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

Written by Professionals Redcoats | Oct 5, 2023 12:00:03 AM

The most important factor in successful seed germination is to use fresh, quality seed mix. They contain ingredients and fertilisers designed specifically for germinating and growing from seed. Different seeds take different lengths of time to germinate. Be sure to check the back of the seed packet for the optimal conditions and time of year for planting.

Firstly, fill the tray ¾ full with your seed-raising mix. Ensure the soil is damp but not too wet.

If you are planting tiny seeds, just sprinkle the seeds in a line and cover lightly with seed mix. 

If you are planting a bigger seed, run your finger across the soil in a line to make a shallow trench. Place the seed mix in the trench, plant the seeds about 5cm apart and top with the seed mix.

Plant your rows approximately 5cm apart to allow for growth and easier transplanting.

Pat down the soil and gently water it with a mist spray. Seeds only need warmth and water to grow. Put some glad wrap over the top to keep the warmth in. Place the tray in a nice sunny spot like a window sill.

As soon as the seedlings start to sprout remove the glad wrap. Be sure not to overwater your seeds or let them dry out either. A good mist spray every day will create the perfect environment for germination and growth. 

Good luck!